Archer Career’s Checklist and Micro-Learning Approach Transforms Job Searches and Boosts Career Outcomes for Early Professionals

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Chicago, IL / ACCESSWIRE / January 16, 2023 / Archer Career was launched to solve a fundamental employment problem. Every day, thousands of job openings are available on corporate websites and online job boards, as well as thousands of job seekers looking for their next opportunity.

Archer Career, Monday, January 16, 2023, Press release picture

Unfortunately, many job seekers face challenges in their search. While some students may lack effective career services in their university, the truth is that only 20% of students actually use campus career services.

This was the case for one of Archer Career’s clients, who, after many months of searching, received a job offer with an annual salary of $18,000 – $27,000 below the national salary average for college graduates.

Over the course of a 30-year career, this salary differential can equate to a loss of over $1M, in addition to reduced income for savings, retirement, home ownership/equity building, and other areas of financial flexibility. Archer Career, founded by Pam Schilling, aims to help job seekers find their dream job and avoid these costly mistakes.

Despite low unemployment rates, many positions are still going unfilled, and many people are struggling to find work. For Archer Career, it is a matter of getting people interview-ready, ready to succeed, and get job offers. By equipping job seekers with the necessary skills and knowledge, they will be better positioned to take advantage of the current job market and land the positions they want.

Archer Career, Monday, January 16, 2023, Press release picture

“When students or working professionals go into interviews and don’t get hired, it can be a blow to their confidence. This is especially true for early career talent, who may be struggling to establish their professional identities,” states Jeremy Morse, co-founder and head of product at Archer Career.

The job search can be a difficult and stressful process, and the constant rejection can make it easy for job seekers to feel like they are losing their sense of self. This can be particularly damaging for early career talent who are trying to establish themselves in the workforce.

“The mismatch between hiring needs and job seeker readiness can exacerbate this problem, as job seekers may feel like they are constantly being passed over for opportunities, despite their best efforts. This leads to feelings of inadequacy and frustration, making it even harder for job seekers to regain their confidence and move forward in their search.” Morse continued.

Archer Career aims to solve that problem with a system specifically designed to help early career professionals prepare to succeed in their job search and start their careers. And often that begins with understanding their own abilities and desires.

Schilling often states, “I want to build the career platform I wish I had in my early career.”

Archer Career helps early career talent through every step of their job search with a comprehensive guide called the Archer Checklist. Available online and as a mobile app, Archer Checklist guides job seekers through a carefully designed checklist that helps users prepare for their dream career.

Archer Career, Monday, January 16, 2023, Press release picture

However, the team at Archer Career recognizes that finding the right jobs is not enough. People need a way to connect their talent, passion, and experience to a place where they can do their best work.

To achieve this, Archer Career offers curated content covering best practices in job searching and career development. This content is thoroughly researched, tested, and reviewed by internal and external experts to ensure its relevance and accuracy.

In addition to providing valuable information, Archer Career also offers a structure for job seekers to follow. This includes small, manageable steps (or “micro-learning”) and a checklist framework to help individuals stay on track and make progress in their job search.

These tasks, which can be completed in just 10-30 minutes, are optimized for weekly effort and are designed to help job seekers move from point A to point B in their career. Artificial intelligence is also used to send messages of encouragement and celebrate progress. Expert tips and psychological support are also available to reduce stress.

Archer Career has a strong track record of helping people achieve their career goals. Before developing its technology platform, the company conducted coaching and coach-led programs that effectively improve career outcomes. The team at Archer Career has the experience and data to demonstrate the efficacy of their programs, and this success has been translated into the company’s technology platform to help even more people succeed in their job searches.

Archer Career, Monday, January 16, 2023, Press release picture

“We are like a Rosetta Stone,” Schilling says. “You have your education, background, and experience and want to change jobs, but you need a translator. You may not know how to translate your experience, and the person hiring doesn’t understand your background or degree. We translate your skills and help fill that gap of understanding.”

Archer Career is changing how college graduates and young professionals enter the workforce with a dedicated job search checklist, a robust library of resources and educational material, and a community of support. And they are making it easier than ever to find exciting new jobs and meaningful, lasting career opportunities.

Best of all, they are giving people the tools they need to maximize their talents and skills, to confidently market themselves to prospective employers, and to live with greater purpose and joy.

“We take you through the steps, we give you the tools and the methodology, how to research, how to translate your skills, and over time, you will get better and better at it,” Schilling says. “Because really, we are trying to enable people to do this on their own.”

To learn more about Archer Career, visit

Contact Information:

Company: Archer Career
Name: Pam Schilling
Address: 200 S. Wacker, Suite 3100, Chicago, IL 60439
Email: [email protected]

SOURCE: Archer Career

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